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T R A N S F O R M A T I O N  P A C K A G E

you are ready to commit to deeply changing your approach, mindset, presence and results,


You have a number of exciting public speaking opportunities coming up that you're ready to prepare for.
you would like help with any of the following:
  • brainstorming
  • organizing your ideas
  • rehearsing
  • slides





  • We'll build a solid creative process that you can rely on. 

  • You'll become an engaging and confident communicator and storyteller.

  • You'll also be ready to take on new challenges, set more ambitious goals, and make a bigger impact in the world.

  • creatively tackle your goals and

  • Goodbye limitations!

  • ​

This includes:


  • Ten 60-minute virtual sessions 



  • Video recordings of your rehearsals sent to you


Don't worry, there is no obligation to be recorded! Seeing oneself is often very illuminating. You may discover you're doing a better job than you thought or you might gain some new insights about your presentation itself.  You decide if and when this would be helpful.



To get the biggest impact, I highly recommend taking advantage of this package over a 1 - 3 month period.


W H E R E:  Zoom


C O S T:  $4050 (10 sessions for the price of 9!)


T O  S C H E D U L E  Y O U R 

V I R T U A L  S E S S I O N S

or ask any questions: 


email  amanda @


or send me a message.

Let's do this!



Follow these 3 simple steps to book your coaching session!


  1.  Purchase your package

  2.  Schedule your sessions here

  3. Click here to fill out the New Client Questionnaire so I can learn more about you and your goals!


For more about payment policies, please click here.



email  amanda @ 

or send me a message.

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Such as a talk, panel, Q & A session, press conference, and/or podcast 
You are excited to transform
You could be 

Process focused

Project focused

"Amanda brought out the best of me on the stage.


Her mottos of "be authentic" and "speak from your gut" helped me connect with my true underlying emotion and enabled me to be totally in the zone on the stage, which made the whole speaking experience exhilarating.


Amanda is also very creative and has an amazing intuition to understand my emotions and thoughts below the surface (as if she is my twin sister!). She helped me to develop the speech to resonate with audiences at a deeper level and create bigger impact.


I felt I became a totally different person on the stage after just a couple weeks of working with Amanda! "





Mountain Climber, author, and motivational speaker

First Chinese woman and first Asian American to climb the Seven Summits and ski to both the North and South Poles. 



This photo is taken at the summit of Mount Vinson -


Lei Wang

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