5 Surprising Public Speaking Scenarios
1. Someone Asks, "So, What Do You Do?"
Do you find yourself rambling on about your job, trying to explain each and every facet?
Or, do you get tongue tied, feeling like it's too much too explain, so you give a very vague answer?
Yep, sounds like a moment that calls for some speaking skills!
2. A Job Interviewer Says, "Tell Me About Yourself."
The dreaded open ended question. Do you start at your birth? Do you tell them about the time you met LeBron James in an elevator? Do you brag about your professional accomplishments?
Wouldn't it be great to know what to say so that you feel confident and the interviewer can actually take in all the information?
3. You Introduce Yourself to the New Boss
You want to come across relatable and competent.
How do you do that in the span of one handshake?
4. A First Date!
Even if meeting someone for a drink sounds far from giving a talk, it actually requires the same skills! Creating presence, telling a memorable story, being the center of someone's attention - don't these sound familiar?
5. Going to a Wedding...Where You Don't Know Anyone
Ever get invited to that distant cousin's wedding you haven't seen in 15 years? Going to a party or a wedding where you don't know anyone can be daunting - it's such a time commitment, and you can't rely on a group of friends or close relatives to hang out with!
Having fun while being authentic in an environment where you don't know anyone very well is right out of Public Speaking 101.