What Do I Do with My Hands During a Talk?!
I see you there, you juggling master.
I see you sporting grocery bags all the way up your arms, squeezing tiny hands as you get your kiddos across the street, and fumbling through your things for your keys and that last piece of gum.
On an average day, you could use about twenty more hands. There is no shortage of things to balance, fix, pick up, or rush off to school.
So, why, when it comes to public speaking does it feel like you have never used your hands before?
It's like suddenly your hands are superfluous extremities that you've never noticed or thought about.
In fact, one of the most common questions I get asked is, What do I do with my hands during a talk?!
As prepared as you feel going into a talk or presentation, it can all come crashing down if you feel unsure about what to do with your hands.
So, what if you could get rid of that concern once and for all? Seriously - gone!
Would you sleep easier going into your next talk? Would you have more fun in front of your audience?
Because, here is the secret: There is not just one way to effectively gesture or stand during a presentation!
Speakers use their hands and body language in all sorts of ways. So, stay true to what feels natural. It will serve you well.
"But, Amanda, how do I remember what feels natural when I'm so busy worrying about seeming unnatural?"
Great question. And, a perfect segue to a fun exercise that you can easily do at home.
STEP 1: Get out your phone, laptop, or any recording device.
STEP 2: Gather a small audience, like your family, roommates, or friends.
STEP 3: Tell a story about something you LOVE, like your favorite movie, the trip to Europe you took in college, or your pet - whatever makes you happy!
STEP 4: Watch the recording back. Notice how effortlessly your hands gesture when speaking about something comforting and familiar. Your body falls into a natural rhythm when you are passionate. And, when you're in that flow, no audience can resist your enthusiasm and authenticity.
​Isn't it fun to know that by just being YOU, you can charm a whole audience? All it takes is the right drive, passion, and preparation!
Now, for a few things to watch out for when you are speaking...
When you watch your recording, look out for any particularly distracting motions or hand gestures. Do you touch your face, fix your hair, or fidget with your outfit? Those are habits to stay mindful of when you rehearse your talk.
Secondly, watch out for being too stiff during your talk. Keeping your hands glued to your side or tied behind your back can make you look a little robotic. Remember, openness is a warm and welcoming stance!
Most importantly, be sure to stay away from any controversial or offensive gestures. The best way to make your audience stop listening is to offend them.
The bottom line is that no two speakers are exactly alike. People use their hands, bodies, and voices in all sorts of ways.
So, don't feel pressure to look, move, or speak like anyone else. You just be unapologetically you and your audience will respond positively.
So, hit reply to book a private coaching session with me and we will find your voice together.
You got this!