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Why am I a Coach?

The alphabet almost ends with Y. It's the penultimate letter! 


Yet author and speaker Simon Sinek famously thinks we should start with WHY.


I'm in Sinek's camp (no hard feelings, alphabet). 


When it comes to public speaking, starting with WHY is a smart plan.


Especially when you have been asked to speak on a topic that you don't really care about.😟


I'm not saying that if you're asked to talk about the history of popsicle sticks that you should go into existential angst and wail “Why? Why me?”😩


No. What I do suggest is that when you are tapped to speak on a topic that doesn't immediately catch your interest, find out WHY the topic is important to the people you will be speaking to.


And find out WHY that topic is important to the mission of the project or the company.


What you uncover may spark some creative ideas as to how to frame what you are going to say in a compelling way.


And it may help you start to feel more engaged.


Now, I'm going to answer a WHY question. 


Here it is: Why do I coach❓


Let me count the ways…

1. I get to work with interesting, smart people who are making an impact in their respective fields! Helping these clients bring their innovative ideas and products into the world lights me UP! 


Another thing that makes me happy - helping diverse voices bring their contributions to the forefront.

2. Because of the work I do, there will be less boring talks and less overwhelmingly blah slides that suck the life out of conference rooms from coast to coast.

3. I believe that people who are determined to grow, overcome challenges, and go after their true potential will get there. I love supporting my clients as they aim high.


Seeing clients come into their own 💙as they shift from their most stressed out, overwhelmed, defeated selves to confident, open, at-ease versions of themselves - beautiful.

 4. So many people have never received public speaking training, yet are expected to “just know” how to do it. 


I'm ready to fill in that education gap! If you're good at public speaking, a lot of doors can open for you in terms of leadership, influence, increased income, and less awkward moments at family events.🥂


Teaching people how to express a crystal clear message with confidence and creativity (minus monotone, rushing, or rambling) - I'M ALL IN.

5. I understand the value of learning in a safe space. Being in the presence of safe people has definitely helped me come into my own, so, I value emotional safety enormously. This is why I am committed to providing a safe space for my clients.🧡



I could go on and on, but I'll stop there.


If you are one of my clients or workshop participants, thank you for what you have brought to my life.💙


I appreciate your honesty, vulnerability, your belief in yourself, your hard work, and your humor.

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